Digital piano




88 Keys GHC keyboard, 10 Voices, Yamaha CFIIIs sample, Damper
Resonance, 64 Note Polyphony, Sound Boost, compatible with Apps

 Farbvariationen: Black

Preis: 449,00  €


88 Keys GHC keyboard, 24 voices, Yamaha CFX sample, VRM Lite, 192
Note Polyphony, 20 rhythms, two-track-recorder, Sound Boost, Bluetooth
Audio, compatible with Apps

Farbvariationen: Black, White

Preis: 659,00 €


88 key GrandTouch-S keyboard: wooden keys (white only), synthetic
ebony and ivory key tops, escapement. CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial
Piano Samples, VRM, Grand Expression Modeling, Bluetooth
Audio/MIDI, USB recorder, 44 voices + SFX/Drum kits/XG

Farbvariationen: Black, White

Preis: 1.769,00 €



88 keys GHS keyboard, 10 voices, CFX Grand Piano voice, VRM Lite, 2 track recorder, Stereophonic Optimizer, Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC) and Acoustic Optimizer

Farbvariationen: Black, White, White ash

Preis: 899,00 €


88 keys GH3 keyboard with synthetic ivory and ebony keytops; 10 voices,
CFX Grand Piano voice, VRM Lite, 2 track recorder, Stereophonic
Optimizer, Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC) and Acoustic Optimizer

Farbvariationen: Black, White

Preis: 1.199,00 €


88 Keys GHS Keyboard, with matte black keytops; 10 Voices, CFX Grand Piano voice, VRM Lite, 2 track recorder, Stereophonic Optimizer, Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC)

Farbvariationen: Black, Rosewood, White

Preis: 950,00 €


88 Keys, GH3 Keyboard with synthetic ivory and ebony keytops, 10 voices, CFX Grand Piano voice, VRM Lite, Smooth Release, 2 track recorder, Sterephonic Optimizer, Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC)

Farbvariationen: Black, Rosewood, White, White Ash

Preis: 1.150,00 €

Clavinova CLP

CLP-825 / CLP-825 PE

88 Keys; GrandTouchS keyboard; 10 voices incl. CFX & Bösendorfer;
VRM; Bluetooth (MIDI/Audio); GrandTouch Pedals; simple operation
panel - (SRP N/A)



Farbvariationen: Black, Rosewood, White


UVP: 2.025,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 2.499,00 €


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CLP-835 / CLP-835 PE

88 Keys; GrandTouchS keyboard; 38 voices incl. CFX & Bösendorfer,

2 forte pianos; VRM; Bluetooth (MIDI/Audio); GrandTouch Pedals

Farbvariationen: Black, Rosewood, White Birch, White

UVP: 2.333,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 2.873,00 €


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CLP-845 / CLP-845 PE

88 Keys; GrandTouchS keyboard with white wooden keys; 38 voices incl.
CFX & Bösendorfer,

2 forte pianos; VRM; Bluetooth (MIDI/Audio);
GrandTouch Pedals; 2-way speaker system

Farbvariationen: Black, Rosewood, White Birch, White


UVP: 3.068,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 3.491,00 €


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88 Keys; GrandTouchS; 38 voices incl. CFX & Bösendorfer, 2 fortepianos;

VRM; Bluetooth (MIDI/Audio); GrandTouch Pedals; 2-way speaker system - (SRP N/A)

Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 6.378,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished White

UVP: 7.238,00 €


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CLP-775 / CLP-775 PE

88 Keys; GrandTouch keyboard; Linear Graded Hammers; 38 voices incl. CFX & Bösendorfer, 2 forte pianos; VRM; Bluetooth (MIDI/Audio); GP Response Pedeal; Touch Sensors Panel; 3-way speaker system; transducers

Farbvariationen: Black, Dark Walnut, Rosewood, White Ash, White

UVP: 4.693,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 5.489,00 €


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Clavinova cLp

CLP-795 GP / CLP-795 GPWH

88 Keys; GrandTouch keyboard with synthetic ivory and ebony keytops; escapement; counterweights; Linear Graded Hammers; CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial and C7 Piano Samples; XG; VRM; Bluetooth; Spruce Cone Speaker

Farbvariationen: Black Polished

UVP: 8.790,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished White

UVP: 9.690,00 €

CLP-785 / CLP-785 PE / CLP-785 PWH

88 Keys; GrandTouch keyboard with synthetic ivory and ebony keytops; escapement; counterweights; Linear Graded Hammers; CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial and C7 Piano Samples; XG; VRM; Bluetooth Audio; Spruce Cone Speaker

Farbvariationen: Black

UVP: 4.490,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 4.999,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished White

UVP: 5.190,00 €

CVp-701 / CVp-701 PE

88 Keys, GH3 Keyboard with Escapement, 1.286 Voices, 310 Styles, RGE, Colour-Screen, Mic.-In

Farbvariationen: Black Walnut

UVP: 3.591,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

 UVP: 4.125,00 €

CVp-805 / CVp-805 PE

88 Keys, GH3 Keyboard with Escapement, 1.497 Voices, 470 Styles, RGE, Touch-Screen, Mic.-In, VH2

Farbvariationen: Black Walnut

UVP: 5.499,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 6.190,00 €

CVp-809  / CVp-809  PWH

88 Keys, NW Keyboard with Escapement, Linear Graded, Counter Weights, 1.787 Voices, 600 Styles incl. +Audio, RGE, Touch-Screen,

Mic.-In, VH2

Farbvariationen: Black Walnut

UVP: 8.949,00 €


Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 9.849,00 €


Farbvariationen: PolishedWhite

UVP: 10.490,00 €

CVp-809 PE GP / CVP-709 GP PWH

88 Keys, NW Keyboard with Escapement, Linear Graded, Counter Weights, 1.787 Voices, 600 Styles incl. +Audio, RGE, Touch-Screen,

Mic.-In, VH2

Farbvariationen: Polished Ebony

UVP: 15.190,00 €


Farbvariationen: PolishedWhite

 UVP: 16.190,00 €

Eduard Wilms
Cembalo- & Klavierbauer


Niedringhausener Str. 142

32609 Hüllhorst

Fon 05744/5087337

Mobil 0151/14902798

Mi. bis Fr.: 13:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Samstag: 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr

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